14 January, 2011

Bad Luck :D

My life..err..I'm kind of a private person like I keep many secrets from my family and friends -- everybody. Isn't there a word for something like that. Paranoia? But anyways, it's embarrassing, but I have a favorite porn star, well many favorite porn stars but that's not the problem. Don't judge me lolz xD. So, one day, there was this porn site I was really interested in ^///^ (talking about this is really making me blush a lot)and the site was like having a special offer. It was only charging 1 USD for 3 days of access. I never buy porn b/c its so expensive and I get bored with it easily, but for 1 USD I was like, "hell yeah." So I got my access and as I expected, the porn site was so not what I wanted. So, I cancelled my subscription and that was that. Here goes--just my luck, right?

Next day, I forgot all about it and used my debit card to buy candy only to be denied. And I was like, "No way. I'm sure I have at least a few dollars in my bank acct." I went to the bank to see what was going on and guess what?! That porn site company had taken every cent from my acct and more causing like so many bank fees. My acct was 1000 USD negative. OMG! I was so pissed. So I called the porn site and demanded my money back. I spoke with this very RUDE guy in Hungary who kept giving me fake e-mail addresses and contact info. The fucking bastard. But the worst part out of all of this was when the rude guy on the phone asked me the name of porn site that I had paid for, he said he was going to look up my acct and needed the name of the site. I was so embarrassed. I couldn't say it out loud with my mom in the same room. So, I tried to mumble it on the phone, but the guy couldn't understand what I was saying. So, I got the brilliant idea of going outside. It was cold out as I stood behind my house. And finally I said the name of the porn site really loud. It was horrible. The site's name was so embarrassing, I'm not even gonna write it. And then from behind me, I hear an old woman's voice say, "Oh my god. You're disgusting." I turned around, my neighbors were outside, staring at me. And the woman was covering her child's ears with her hands. I blushed. I was so embarrassed. Like I wish I could've disappeared. But in the end, things worked out good. I got all my money back, the bank dropped the fees and I learned not to buy porn. But my neighbors still give me weird looks. I'm so embarrassed. They even told my parents. :'(


  1. Ohh, that must have been embarrassing. ><;;; I feel bad for you!

  2. Oh my gosh...
    That's so awkward ! Dx
